Counselling for Adults (18+ years)

Counselling therapy for adults with a qualified mental health professional

Allison Prins

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Angela Savage

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Callista Vagt

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Emma Stevens

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Graziela Silva

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Keya Russell

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Kim Kisyel

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Kimberly Brown

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Nicole Vath

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Tricia Wright

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Counselling for Youth (13yrs - 18yrs)

Counselling that is geared to meet the unique challenges of youth aged 13yrs - 18yrs

Angela Savage

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Kim Kisyel

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Kimberly Brown

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Shelly Kurtz

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Counselling for Children (5yrs-12yrs)

Counselling that is geared toward the unique developmental needs of children.

Kimberly Brown

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Shelly Kurtz

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Counselling for Couples or Families

Relationship counselling for couples or families

Callista Vagt

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Nicole Vath

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Low-Cost Counselling (Adults, 18+ years)

Are you interested in regular, weekly counselling but finances are a barrier? Consider working with our practicum student. Our student has completed all of their coursework and is professionally supervised by the Arnica Counselling director.
**All clients must have a screening intake interview prior to being accepted for counselling with our practicum student**

Danielle Legault

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